المستوى الأول | |||
رمز المقرر | اسم المقرر | متطلب سابق | عدد الساعات |
المجموع |
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المستوى الثاني | |||
المجموع |
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المستوى الثالث | |||
(221 PHYS) | Classical Mechanics -1 |
| This course acquisition of basic knowledge in classical mechanics. Concerned with the study of the movement of linear and circular particles, the causes of motions, the law of energy conservation and law of momentum .conservation |
(231 PHYS) | Oscillations and Waves |
| This course begin by studying a special type of motion called periodic motion. We will focus our attention on a special case of periodic motion called simple harmonic motion. Sound waves, seismic waves, waves on stretched strings, and water waves are all produced by some source of oscillation. The motion of the elements of the medium bears a strong resemblance to the periodic motion of an .oscillating pendulum or an object attached to a spring |
Math 221 | Calculus 1 |
| The fundamental principles of calculus were made independently by Isaac Newton (English) and Gottfried Leibniz (German) in the late seventeenth century. This course provides the most important theorems and methods of integration and its applications. It is designed as an advanced course of the course presented in the first year mathematics-1. The topics included are those that .are most commonly used or referred to in the literature |
212Stat | Principles of Statistics |
| This course covers the basic concepts of statistics and probability theory. It is designed as an introduction to statistics and probability theory emphasis on descriptive statistics and principles of probability for students of natural and biological sciences and engineering. The presentation of the material is aimed to give an understanding of the underlying principles, as well as practical guidelines of “how to do it” and “how to interpret it.” The topics included are those that are most commonly used or referred to in the literature. It is a preparatory course for advanced study of statistics and .probability theory |
| Basic Knowledge in Biology Science in both Botany and Zoology branch, where the course gives advanced knowledge about the chemical components in the cytoplasm, organic and inorganic materials. Also about Plant and animal Cells, division and heredity. Knowledge about Virus, Fungi, Algae, also both animal and human tissues. Also expand the student’s knowledge with different examples of different genera of animal kingdom, physiology of the body, and p .relations with the environm ... |
٢٠١عرب | التحرير الكتابي |
١٠٢سلم | الثقافة الإسلامية ٢ |
المجموع |
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المستوى الرابع | |||
222 PHYS | Classical Mechanics -2 |
| Classical mechanics -2 Compleon of the study of classical mechanics topics, including the subjects of the rotation of a rigid object, the angular momentum, the static equilibrium and elasticity, gravitation and the fluid mechanics. Classical mechanics is importance to students .from all disciplines |
223(PHYS) | Mechanics and Heat Lab |
| The course introduces the main experiences of classical mechanics and heat, as a support for the theoretical .courses of classical mechanics, thermodynamics |
(PHYS) 241 | Electricity and Magnetism-1 |
| This course provides a conceptually based exposure to the fundamental principles and processes of the electricity and magnetism. Topics include concepts of electric forces, electric fields, electrical energy, capacitance, current, .resistance and direct-current circuits |
251(PHYS) | Thermodynamics |
| This course direct our attention to the study of heat and temperature, the laws of thermodynamics, and the kinetic theory of gases, heat engines and entropy. Thermodynamics involves situations in which the temperature or state (solid, liquid, gas) of a system changes due to energy transfers. As we shall see, thermodynamics is very successful in explaining the bulk properties of matter and the correlation between these .properties and the mechanics of atoms and molecules |
دار301 | ريادة الأعمال |
| يتضمن المقرر أساسيات تحويل الافكار والمبتكرين الي مشاريع تطبيقية وفق وقواعد إنشاء المشاريع التجارية السليمة، واستكشاف الجوانب المتعددة لعملية إنشاء ورعاية المشروعات الجديدة، وكيفية تكوين منشآت الأعمال الجديدة علي مستوي كل من الأفراد والشركات. |
ترب210 | الشباب وقيم المواطنة |
| يتناول هذا المقرر دراسة مفهوم المواطنة وتطورها وخصائصها ومبررات واهداف تعليمها كما يتناول أبعاد المواطنة وحقوقها وواجباتها في الإسلام، ومفهوم القيم وتصنيفاتها، ودور الجامعات في إكساب وتعزيز قيم المواطنة لدى الشباب في المرحلة الجامعية، والتحديات التي تواجهها في السياق العالمي المعاصر |
ترخ201 | تاريخ المملكة العربية السعودية |
| المقرر متطلب جامعة يعنى بتعريف الطالبات بأهم المحطات التاريخية في تاريخنا، مع تعزيز روح الانتماء والولاء للوطن |
سلم 103 | الثقافة الإسلامية 3 |
| يتناول هذا المقرر التعريف بخصائص المجتمع الإسلامي والأسس التي يقوم عليها ووسائل الترابط الاجتماعي وأهم المشكلات الموجودة في المجتمع والإلمام بتعاليم الإسلام في مجال تكوين الأسرة وإظهار دور المرأة في بناء الأسرة وتشكيل المجتمع وبالتالي ترابط المجتمع وتقويته والتعرف على طرق معالجة الإسلام لما يحدث في نطاق الأسرة من قضايا ومشكلات. |
المجموع |
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المستوى الخامس | |||
(341 PHYS) | Electricity and Magnetism-2 |
| Electricity and Magnetism -2 Compleon of the study of Electricity and Magnetism topics, including the magnetic fields, the Faraday’s law, the inductance, the alternating- current circuits, the electromagnetic waves |
(342 PHYS) | Electricity and Magnetism Lab |
| This course consists of different experiments in the field of electricity and magnetism, as a support for the theoretical .courses of electricity and magnesm 1 and 2 |
(361 PHYS) | Mathematical Physics-2 |
| This course covers a selection of advanced topics related to mathematical physics. Based on prior knowledge in mathematical science, the following topics are considered: Ordinary differential equations, Matrices, Fourier Series, .and Complex numbers |
(362 PHYS) | Modern Physics |
| The course of modern physics is devoted to the main results in physics, which were achieved in the 20-th century. This course provides an introduction to physics courses that will be educated later. This course introduces the special theory of relativity, the basic concepts of quantum mechanics and their application to atomic and molecular physics, condensed matter physics, nuclear .physics and particle physics |
212دار | العمل التطوعي |
| يعرف مفهوم التطوع وصوره وأشكاله وأهميته وأدواره. كما يتم التعرف على جهة التطبيق وأهدافها والأنشطة والخدمات التي تقدمها ، وتحديد المجالات والأساليب الممكنة للمساهمة التطوعية في الأنشطة والخدمات المختلفة في المجتمع ، والاندماج والتكيف بشكل إيجابي و فاعل مع فرق العمل في جهة التطبيق ، والمساهمة في تنمية و تطوير وتحسين وتوسيع الانشطة والخدمات المقدمة لتحقيق رضا المستفيدين . |
201طبع | الصحة واللياقة |
| يقوم هذا المقرر بتزويد الطلاب/الطالبات بالمعرفة والفهم والمهارات والسلوكيات اللازمة لتعزيز صحتهم وتنمية لياقتهم البدنية بالإضافة إلى إعدادهم للمشاركة الفاعلة في بناء مجتمع صحي ومنتج وذلك في ظل ظهور عادات مؤثرة سلبا على الصحة. يتألف هذا المقرر من جزئين نظري وعملي وتتم دراسته بعدد ساعتين معتمدتين في جميع كليات جامعة بيشة. |
104سلم | الثقافة الإسلامية-٤ |
| يعنى هذا المقرر بدراسة الغزو الفكري للعالم الإسلامي وأساليبه والتحديات المعاصرة للعالم الإسلامي، ووسائل التعامل معها، وآفاق المستقبل للعالم الإسلامي. |
المجموع |
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المستوى السادس | |||
(315 PHYS) | Renewable Energy |
| The course introduces the principles of renewable energy physics at intermediate level of the BSc degree program. It covers various renewable energy sources topics such as solar energy, solar cells characteristics, photovoltaic system components, size of the photovoltaic system, wind energy, wind energy generator, hydro-power and biomass .energy and its applications |
(331 PHYS) | Light and Optics |
| The course will cover several topics in light and optics such as: the nature of light, images formation, some optical instruments, with an emphasis on the electromagnetic nature of light such as interference, diffraction, .polarization and application of diffraction |
(332 PHYS) | Light and waves lab |
| This course introduce and develop "hands-on" skills in an optics laboratory by performing fundamental experiments in optics and waves. Experiments are selected to provide students exposure to a variety of hardware and measurement techniques used in an optics and waves laboratory. Students will learn skills in the setup and alignment of optical experiments and understand the sensitivity of the measurements to alignment and .measurement uncertainty |
(351 PHYS) | Statistical Physics |
| This course aims to give students a deep understanding of the principles of statistical physics and how to apply them to a wide variety of problems, the contents of the course includes the bases of the thermodynamics and Maxwell– .Boltzmann, Fermi–Dirac and Bose–Einstein distributions |
(363 PHYS) | Atomic physics and Spectra |
| The course topic is a branch of modern physics to understand the structure of atoms, then their behavior in magnetic and electric fields, in addition to their interaction with electromagnetic radiation. The course generally covers the structure of the atom, spectrum of hydrogen atom, Bohr model for the atom, the atom under quantum mechanics, the spectra of multi electrons atoms, the effect of magnetic field on the atom and lastly the .spectrum of molecules |
(364 PHYS) | Quantum Mechanics-1 |
| This course deals primarily with the wave function and the Schrödinger equation. The course covers the postulates of quantum mechanics, Particle in one- dimensional box with walls of infinite height, Harmonic oscillator, particle in a three-dimensional box, and Schrödinger's equation for the .Hydrogen atom |
المجموع |
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المستوى السابع | |||
(441 PHYS) | Electronics |
| This course introduces the characteristics and applications of semiconductor devices, diodes, transistors circuits. Analysis, biasing of the electronic circuits and its .application |
(442 PHYS) | Electronics Lab |
| This course introduces the characteristics of electronic devices, then tackle electronic circuits. Much emphasis is .placed on analysis, selection, biasing, and applications |
(443-PHYS) | Electromagnetic Theory |
| This course deals primarily with a vector-calculus based on description of static electric fields in cases of fixed charges, conductors and dielectrics. The course covers Maxwell's equation, Lorentz-force law, conservation of charge and conservation of energy. In addition, the course will discuss potentials and wave equations. Additional topics include electrostatics and magnetostatics, motion of charged particles in electromagnetic fields, and .propagation and generation of electromagnetic waves |
(461 PHYS) | Modern and Atomic Physics Lab |
| This course introduces the basic experiments in modern and atomic physics: photoelectric effect, Plank's constant measurement, Compton effect, charge quantification, electron charge measurement, Faraday phenomenon, electron diffraction, Balmer series of hydrogen, Frank- .Hertz experiment, Millikan experiment |
(471 PHYS) | Solid State Physics-1 |
| The course deals with Crystal structure, symmetry and types of chemical bonds, The crystal lattice, Diffraction from periodic structures, Reciprocal lattice; Brillouin zones , Laue condition and Bragg , Methods of structure analysis ., Lattice vibrations and thermal properties |
(481 PHYS) | Nuclear Physics-1 |
| This course explores some elements of nuclear physics, binding energy, nuclear stability, radioactive decays, .cross section and interaction of radiation with matter |
(491 PHYS) | Graduation Research |
| Graduation project will cover several topics in experimental, theoretical or numerical subjects in various fields of physics. Description will be made, according to the subject, by the project supervisor |
المجموع |
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المستوى الثامن | |||
(431 PHYS) | Laser physics |
| The course introduces fundamental principles of laser generation, properties of laser radiation, laser theory (emission and absorption of light- stimulated emission-Einstein relations- population inversion-threshold gain coefficient), laser energy level systems (two, three, and four levels system), properties of laser radiation, optical resonators, operational of practical laser, .laser types, laser applications and laser safety |
(462 PHYS) | Computer Applications in Physics |
| This course acquisition of basic knowledge in Computer Applications in Physics, includes plotting and analyses data by origin program and programing numerical methods by using Matlab |
(463 PHYS) | Quantum Mechanics-2 |
| This course deals primarily with the concepts of function spaces, interpretation, uncertainty, degeneracy and non-degeneracy of the perturbation theory, the fine structure of hydrogen atom, ،the Zeeman effect and the variational principle |
(472 PHYS) | Solid State Physics-2 |
| This course will deepen the understanding of the electronic properties of solids already gained through introduction to condensed matter, and use this understanding to elucidate the electrical, optical and magnetic properties of crystalline solids. It will also give an introduction to density functional theory. The course will be complemented by the presentation of examples .of current solid state research |
(473 PHYS) | Solid State Physics Lab |
| The course deals with groups of materials in terms of their structure, electronic, optical, and thermal properties to describe basic experimental measurements, to show typical data sets and .to compare these with theory |
(482 PHYS) | Nuclear Physics-2 |
| The course will cover several topics in advanced nuclear physics such as: nucleus reactions, neutron physics, nuclear fission, nuclear fusion, accelerators, nuclear spin moments and some .applications of nuclear physics |
(483 PHYS) | Nuclear Physics Lab |
| This curse explores the basic experiments in nuclear physics, including interaction of radiation with matter, nuclear reactions, .radioactive decay processes and radiation detection |
(492 PHYS) | Astronomy physics |
| This course include basic concepts of astrophysics, observing the sky, orbits and gravity, the world and structure of the galaxy, earth and sky, astronomical instruments, introduction to the solar system, earth’s crust, general properties of the moon, earth like planets, cosmic samples and the origin of the solar system and the sun (source of sun shine-thermal and gravitational energy, the solar interior) |
(493 PHYS) | Medical Physics |
| Medical physics course deal with radiation and health topics, including the subjects of the atoms and atomic physics, the nucleus and nuclear physics, the ionising radiation, the medical imaging and MRI |
المجموع |
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- By the end of the course, the graduate is able to:
- Describe the fundamental principles of mathematics and statistics.
- Explain the fundamentals of classical mechanics and properties of materials.
- Elicit the laws of electricity, magnetism, and electromagnetic theory.
- Infer the laws of thermodynamics and statistical physics.
- Illustrate the principles of quantum mechanics and modern physics.
- Describe the properties of solids materials.
- Explain the principles of atomic physics, spectra, and nuclear physics.
- Elicit rules of light, optics and laser.
- Illustrate the principles of astronomy and medical diagnostic and therapeutic physics.
- Discuss the theoretical and practical aspects of electronics
- Implement computer software and information technology in physics.
- Measures physical constants and verify the validity of physical laws.
- Analyze laboratory results, draw curves, and calculates results.
- Resolve different physical problems in light of its natural study.
- Develop her/his capabilities for self-learning and working individually or in teams.
- Communicate with the other people.
- Use current technologies for research and learning.
- Design laboratory experiments and reassemble electrical and electronic circuits.